All In Person Sessions are One Hour in length and offered within Katherien's residence located in South Edmonton, Alberta Canada.
In Person Session fee is $262 cad
You Do Not need to bring anything with you.
Katherien will Not tell You anything Negative or Bad.
Spirit, Your Guides and Angels Only want to Guide and Protect You They Only Bring Fourth Warnings, Validation, Guidance and Positive Affirmation to Aid in Your Journey.
In Person Group Sessions are for Groups of 3 to 4 people.
3 to 4 people $522 cad for 90 minutes
A group session is for those who want to share their experience and time with others. Please note that every group session is different and not everyone is guaranteed a message.
Please Contact Katherien Directly for Group Session Inquiries and Scheduling.
**New In Person Sessions to be added March 2025**